If you feel you are ranked unfairly or that you deserve a higher rank, StarCraft Military has added a bonus. If you can find a higher ranking person than yourself and an officer(check below to see what ranks are officers) then, you can make a challenge. A challenge is a way to boost your rank quickly. The object is to prove to us that you are worthy of the higher rank. The rules are simple. Say your a Seaman and you feel you should be higher. You find a Petty Officer Second Class (PO2) and an Officer. You challenge the PO2 to a 1 on 1 battle in which the Officer will watch. Should you (the Seaman) defeat the PO2, then you will get the rank above him. Should you lose, you will go down in rank. If you cannot be demoted, you will need an additional 10 wins to get the next rank. As for the PO2, he has to have at least one challange to be promoted, if he wins, he is egible to continue in rank, if he loses, nothing happends. There is only allowed 1 challenge per rank, so use your challenges sparingly and have fun! Look below to see all the ranks. Good Luck!